Boat trip chili shrimp paste salad

Thai Food

dining thai food

2 tablespoons dried shrimp
7 hot chilies
3 cloves garlic
1 tablespoon shrimp paste (Kapi)
1 tablespoon nampla (fish sauce)
1 tablespoon sugar
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 salty egg's yolk
1 piece of fried dried fish (plagrob)
1 cup of sweet pork
2 cups cut eggplant, cucumber, radish or any kind of vegetable you like
1 cup vegetable oil

method: Pound dried shrimp. Add garlic and crush coarsely. Add shrimp paste, chilies; pound together until it becomes a paste. Season to taste with nampla, sugar and lemon juice. Heat two tablespoons vegetable oil. Fry the chilies and shrimp paste mixture on low heat until brown. Cut cucumber, eggplant, radish into small pieces and place in serving dish. Top with fried shrimp paste. Sprinkle with chopped salty egg, fried fish and sweet pork. Serve with rice.

As with most of Thailand, the majority of the population is Buddhist, but there is a significant number of Muslims (30%) in Phuket, mainly descendants of the island's original sea-dwelling people. Among the Muslims, many are of Malay descent.

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